Getting Businesses Back in Business Faster

Map updates about once per minute.  Click the two green arrows to manually update.

NOTE about map content

Information displayed on the map is not necessarily current.  Prior events and exercise data may be displayed on the map for demonstration purposes.  SABER is activated when private sector members begin using to distribute disruption information.  To sign up for notifications when SABER data is live, enroll as a SABER member

Current status

Closure and Disruption information provided by private sector members of saber

This view of SABER member status is provided by SpotOnResponse, the mobile app and web application for Location-Based Situational Awareness and Trusted Crowd-Sourcing.

Data is provided by SABER members under the terms provided on the SABER registration page and use of the data should be in accord with those terms.

SpotOnResponse provides this "view only" look at the SABER closure and disruption information as a service to SABERspace users.  SpotOnResponse can provide private and secure hosting of the SpotOnResponse mobile app and web application for both public and private sector organizations. 

The SpotOnResponse mobile app is used to provide status information about incidents back to headquarters and to provide instructions and directions to remote members of your business community or response team.  Public sector organizations are invited to discuss both the mobile app and web application as a supplement to existing incident management and geospatial information systems - "Make them mobile!" - as well to embed the web application in Virtual Business Emergency Operation Center and other web portals. 

For further information on SpotOnResponse, please see